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Awareness on causes, risk factors and prevention of periodontal diseases among secondary school students in Kinondoni district, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Study participants and methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study. A total of 225 students, both males (49.8%) and females (50.2%) aged between 12 and 21 years were randomly selected from two secondary schools (Kambanga and Kiluvya). Information on the awareness on causes, risk factors and preventive measures for periodontal diseases was collected using a self-administered structured questionnaire.
Results: The study participants pinpointed that the predisposing factors for periodontal diseases were lack of brushing (86.2%), cigarette smoking (55.1%), plaque (22.2%), calculus (20.9%) and HIV-AIDS (75.4%). In relation to lack of tooth brushing and HIV/AIDS as predisposing factor for periodontal diseases, a higher proportion of females were aware at an age of 12-16 years, whereas to males it was at 17-21 years age group (P=0.001). Assessment on awareness of the participants in relation to preventive measures against periodontal diseases included tooth brushing (88%), dental flossing (6.2%), regular dental visits for checkup (67.7%), frequent consumption of fruits (51%) and use of fluoridated toothpaste (87.3%). Half of the study participants reported to have experienced gingival bleeding; but most of them were not aware of the necessary preventive measures. Most of participants were not aware on the role of plaque and calculus in the development of periodontal diseases (79%).
Conclusion: These results suggest that awareness on periodontal diseases among secondary school students in Kinondoni district is still low and therefore oral health education need to be advocated more for enhanced understanding.
Tanzania Dental Journal Vol. 12(1) 2005: 1-8