The aim of the study was to determine the demographic presentation of odontogenic myxoma among patients attended at Muhimbili National hospital over a period of twelve years 1990 - 2002. This was a retrospective, cross-sectional study conducted at the School of Dentistry MNH during the months of July and August 2003. Medical records and histophathological results of all patients who had odontogenic t\\mours were scrutinized. Information regarding age, sex, address and site of tumour were recorded. Also, the signs and symptoms at presentation to hospital were recorded. In this study, twenty four cases of odontogenic myxoma were found. They accounted for 10.6% of all odontogenic tumours, thus ranked the 2nd most attended odontogenic tumour in twelve year period. the 1st one being Ameloblastoma (72.2%). In this study odontogenic myxoma was found to occur in children below ten years old. There was female preponderance, but a lack of mandible predilection. The most affected age group was in the 2nd and the 3rd decade of life. From this study, it is evident that the occurrence of odontogenic myxoma among other odontogenic tumours was substantially high.