Kaposi's sarcoma has been strongly linked with HIV/AIDS epidemic in many countries. Data on Kaposi's sarcoma in Tanzania that has been published up to 1992 indicate a strong link withHIV/AIDS. No published reports on Kaposi's sarcoma for the period 1993 to date were available at the time of commencing this study. The aim of this study was to describe the occurrence of Kaposi's sarcoma in Tanzania using Muhimbili National Hospital patients' data records during the period 1993-1999. Records of patients with histological diagnosis of Kaposi's sarcoma were retrieved from the cancer registry of Muhimbili Medical Centre (now Muhimbili National Hospital), Dares Salaam. Variables of interest were year of diagnosis, age, sex, site of Kaposi's sarcoma lesion and HIV sero-status. Data was entered and analysis using SPSS for Windows version 9.1. A total of 899 cases of Kaposi's sarcoma were diagnosed at MNH during the period. Of 754 whose age and sex records were retrieved, 517 (68.6%) were males. The year 1999. had the highest records of cases diagnosed (21%). Age group 31-40 had the highest records of patients (n= 300) diagnosed as having Kaposi's sarcoma. The overall maleferriale ratio was 2.1: 1. Of all cases with site description, 74% had lesions limited to extremities. Lesions on other sites were exclusively found in HIV sero-positive cases. Of all 219 cases th~t had HIV sero-status retrieved, 193(88.1 %) were HJV positive. Only 5 of the 74 female cases whose HIV sero-status record .were retrieved were EIV negative. It is concluded that Kaposi's sarcoma cases increased overtime when compared with prexious data, the male-female ratio has reduced to 2.1: I, and occurrence of Kaposi's sarcoma on sites other than extremities is highly indicative of presence of HIV infection. in an individual case.