Eleven species of insects were collected in three orders and seven families, namely Blattidae, Serabidae, Muscidae, Fannidae, Culicidae, Calliphoridae and Psychodidae. Of the three orders, Diptera was represented by five families (Muscidae, Fannidae, Culicidae and Psychodidae) followed by the order Dictyoptera and Coleoptera with one family each (Blattidae and Serabidae respectively). The Family Muscidae had three genera represented by the species Musca domestica, Ophyra leucostoma, and Stomoxys calcitrans while the Families Caliphoridae and Serabidae were represented by two species each. Muscoid flies had the highest abundance of 70.3% (457/650), followed by mosquitos with 6.8% (94/650) and Drain flies 4.9% (32/650). The most abundant species was the house fly Musca
domestica within the muscoid family with 47.7% while Onthophagus
obliquus from the family Serabaediae had the least abundance with 6 individuals. The occurrence and abundance of these vectors suggests that vector-borne disease transmission is prevalent in Kaduna metropolis. The health implications of the presence of these insects and their role in disease transmission are highlighted. Proper disposal of refuse dumps is recommended to avoid public health problems associated with filth transmitted insects.