A rare case of intestinal intussusception due to multiple worm infections (Hymenolepis nana and Dentostomella translucida) was observed in an African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse, 1840). The condition was observed as an incidental finding before an experimental dissection of the animals in the Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria. The rat was anorexic and depressed with rough hair coat, and died before the commencement of the experiment. Grossly, the intussusception was 7 cm in length and 27 cm caudal to the stomach and 81cm to the ileo-caecal junction. The affected part of the small intestine was moderately distended with worms and the associated mesenteric blood vessels were engorged. Microscopically, worms (H. nana and D. translucida) were observed in the lumen of the intestine with severe cellular infiltration mostly eosinophils, neutrophils and macrophages. Eggs of both worms, at different stages of development and a focus of attachment of the worms were observed on the intestinal mucosa. The zoonotic implications of these worms were discussed especially H. nana. This report appears to be the first reported case of intestinal intussusception due to multiple helminth infections in an African giant rat.
KEYWORDS: Hymenolepis nana, Dentostomella translucida, Intestinal intussusception, African giant rat.