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The effects of Diethylsulphate on some quantitative traits of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)
germination, root length, height at maturity, number of branches per plants, and number of fruits per plant decreased with increase in mutagen concentration. Interactions between variety and concentrations were also highly significant (P<0.01) with respect to germination percentage, root length, seedling survival, height at maturity and number of branches per plant. In general variety T106 showed maximum performance when compared to T244 and T420. The highest number of fruits among the mutants was recorded in variety T244 at 30mM. DES therefore is an effective agent in tomato mutagenesis and 30 mM concentration could be used to induce variability that could be utilized for the improvement of tomato and other related economic crops.
Keywords: Diethylsulphate, chemical mutagens, mutagenesis, tomato, economic crops.