Moringa oleifera seeds were analyzed for chemical composition. Phytochemical screening indicates the presence of saponnins (+(+)), flavonoids (+(-))and alkaloids(+(-)). Insrumental analysis showed also the presence of sodium(15.21+0.10ppm),aluminum (12.21±0.012) potassium (14.21±0.013ppm) and sulphate (1.72±0.011 ppm). Similarly, commercial alum was also analyzed and the results showed the presence of sodium (10.47±0.1500), aluminum (18.17±0.024ppm), potassium (8.01±0.012ppm) and sulphate (3.73±0.010ppm). Jar test trials on raw water samples displayed favourably characteristics at 60% alum to 40% m.oleifera mg/l blend with total coliform count of 30ml-1 and turbidity of 3.2NTU below the WHO maximum permissible limit of 5NTU. Other parameters determined also showed conformity with WHO standards for drinking water. The results indicate that moringa oleifera has a double advantage compared to commercial alum because of the presence of phytochemicals which have been reported to possess antimicrobial properties with potentials for conjunctive use with alum for water purification in rural communities.
Keywords: Phytochemicals, coagulant,antimicrobial,total coliform
count,turbidity,moringa oleifera