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Mathematical modelling and simulation of pressure, temperature, and velocity distribution of two-phase flow in a producing gas well

Jibrin H. Mbaya
A.A. Ibrahim


Mathematical modelling of pressure, temperature, and velocity distribution of two-phase flow in a producing gas well is an important phenomena in the management, design, and dynamic analysis of the wells. Many studies in producing gas wells focuses mostly on single phase gas flow during production but pressure traverses in two-phase flow differs from single phase due to the differential flow rates of the different phases and using single phase model may result to insufficient prediction leading to premature closure of wells. This work considered a one-dimensional time-dependent homogeneous model which represents a system of partial differential equations to describe mathematically the transient two-phase gas-liquid mixture flow in a producing well. The numerical solution of the mathematical model, which consists conservation of mass, momentum, and energy equations based on finite difference technique in the implicit scheme has been applied. PVT correlation is used in estimating the thermodynamic and transport properties of the fluids. From the results obtained, it was observed that Joule-Thomson affect sensitively in the prediction of pressure and other flow parameters which agreed with existing work. The curves obtained reflect the gas flowing law which can provide technical reliance and dynamic analysis of multiphase producing gas wells.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-6343
print ISSN: 2756-391X