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Mathematical modelling and simulation of effective production of non-isothermal transient hydrogen natural gas mixture using FVSM
Mathematical modelling and simulation of effective production of non-isothermal transient Hydrogen Natural Gas mixture is an important phenomena in gas producing industries. Gas mixture production is a production of natural gas mixed with hydrogen which remain a problem to gas producing industries. During production transient pressure is usually generated by rapid and sudden closure of shut-off valve at wellhead and the flow environment. Many authors in gas producing industries consider gas as a single substances and does not consider the production of natural gas mixed with hydrogen. In this work a one-dimensional transient compressible model comprising conservation of mass, momentum and energy which incorporate hydrogen natural gas mixture equation with the properties of flow environment has been developed with the aim of determining the effect of the mixture on the flow parameters. The model was solved using flux vector splitting method (FVSM). The effect of body force on transient pressure and sound wave due to the well flow geometry including the effect of hydrogen mass ratio has also been discussed. The results obtained when considering isothermal flow in a well of 700 ft deep using different wellbore diameter 0.073 m, 0.088m different time and different thermal conductivities shows good agreement with published results. For non-isothermal flow, the pressure and sound wave are observed to be increasing when the hydrogen mass ratio are increased. The heat exchange between the flowing fluid and the well flow environment increase the temperature of the flowing fluid. The result of this work reflect gas flow law and has provide a technical way forward for production of hydrogen natural gas mixture to all gas producing industries.