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Bacterial assessment of effluents from selected abattoirs into adjoining water bodies in Kaduna Metropolis
Abattoir effluents discharged into water bodies have high health implications. The study was carried within Mar to September 2019, to isolate and characterize bacteria from effluents discharged into water bodies from three Local Government Area Kaduna South (Kakuri), Chikun (Sabo-Tasha) and Kaduna North (Kawo) abattoirs within Kaduna metropolis. Three hundred of water samples were collected during the period of study. The samples were analyzed for bacterial content using standard Spread plate technique. The water samples collected content the mixture of blood, urine, piece of bone, faeces, etc. The result obtained from the water samples from the three abattoirs showed a bacterial high means count of 3.5 x 103CFU/mL Kakuri abattoirs showed means bacterial count of 2.40x103CFU/mL, Sabo abattoirs showed means count of 2.20 x103CFU/mL and Kawo abattoir showed means of 1.90 x 103 CFU/mL Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella sp., Salmonella sp., Enterobacter sp., Shigella sp. and Preteus sp. were isolated from waste water samples obtained from the three abattoirs. Analysis of the water sample obtained from the three abattoirs were observed to have a high numbers of bacterial that are harmful to human like E. coli. There is need to study the ecological implication of these bacteria.
Keywords: Abattoirs, Bacterial Content, Characterize, Effluent and Metropolis.