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Insect and vertebrate pests associated with cultivated field pea (Pisum Sativum linn) in Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria

H. Ibrahim
D.B Dangora
B.Y. Abubakar
A.B Suleiman


Pisum sativum commonly called field pea (Family; Fabaceae). The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and identify pests of field pea in major growing areas of Nigeria. The larval stages of the insect were collected from different field pea farms in Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria (Shika dam, Katanga and Zangon Danbarno, Sabuwa, Rapiyan fan in Barkin Ladi and Razek fan). The percentage incidence of pest’s infestation was calculated for each sampling location. Identification of the pests was done using identification keys. Shika dam has the highest percentage incidence of insects with 60 % followed by Katanga, Zangon Danbarno and Rapiyam fan with 20 % while Razek fan has 15 %. Sabuwa has the least with 10 %. A total of six insect pests were identified from the six different sampling locations (Spodoptera exigua Hwan, Spodoptera exempta Walk, Heliocoverpa armigera Hubn, Etiella zinckenella Trerischk, Tetranychus urticae and Caliothrips sp.) and one mammal (Rattus sp.). All the insect pests are more devastating at seedling stage; however, Tetranychus sp. and Caliothrips sp. proceed up to podding stage. Farmers are advised to practice sole cropping and avoid intercropping with susceptible hosts.

Keywords: Pisum sativum, Pests

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-6343
print ISSN: 2756-391X