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Effect of interaction between seed size and sowing depth of cashew Anacardium occidentale (L) on seedlings emergence and height under treatment with organic and inorganic fertilizer in Gidan-Waya, Southern Guinea Savanna, Nigeria

I.S. Akos
M.Y. Tagwai
J Dabo


An experiment to investigate the effect of interaction between seed size and sowing depth of cashew (Anacardiumoccidentale (L)) on seedlings emergence and height under treatment with organic and inorganic fertilizer was conducted between April and July, 2010. The variables are seed sizes: 0.9cm3, 1.5cm3, 2.2cm3; sowing depths: 3cm, 5cm and 10cm and fertilizer types: organic manure (cow dung) and inorganic fertilizer (N:P:K/15:15:15). There were significant interactions between the variables of seeds size and sowing depth (P<0.05); seed size and fertilizer (organic and inorganic) (P<0.05); sowing depth and fertilizer (P<0.05) and between seed size, sowing depth and fertilizer (P<0.01). Furthermore, there were significant interactions on the parameter of days to seedling emergence between small seed size and 5cm sowing depth, small and medium seed sizes and cow dung and between 5cm sowing depth and cow dung with fewer number of days to seedling emergence, while on seedling height, the interaction was between the variables of seed size and fertilizer and there was significant difference at 2, 6 and 12WAE. There were therefore, different levels of significance between the interacting parameters and some statistical similarities on seedlings height.

Keywords: Seed sizes, Sowing depth, Fertilizer types, Cashew

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-6343
print ISSN: 2756-391X