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Statut nutritionnel et parasitoses (intestinales et urinaires) chez les enfants d'age scolaire au Burkina Faso: cas des ecoles de Yamtenga, Koubri et Daguilma

B Savadogq
MD Bengaly
H Sorghoi
AN Zebai
D Zongoi
H Lanoui
JN Podai
D Dianou
AS Traore


Ces dernieres annees, bien qu'une croissance economique soit observee dans les pays en developpement, la malnutrition et particulierement la sous-nutrition enregistre des prevalences elevees (MULLER et al., 2005). La presente etude vise principalement a evaluer l'etat parasitaire associe au statut nutritionnel chez les enfants de trois ecoles riveraines de retenues d' eaux au Burkina Faso : Y amtenga, Koubri et Daguilma. 11 s'agit d'une etude transversale realisee d'avril a octobre 2014. L'evaluation du statut nutritionnel s'est focalisee sur l'Indice de Masse Corporelle pour age qui est le mieux indique chez les enfants de 5 a 19 ans (OMS, 2007). La caracterisation des parasitoses intestinales a ete realisee en utilisant la methode de formol ether. Au tota1363 ecoliers dont 182 gari(Ons et 181 filles ont participe a l'etude. Les resultats font apparaitre un deficit ponderal de 28,3 %, 15,8 %, 16,3 % chez les eleves respectivement de Y amtenga, Koubri et Daguilma. En ce qui concerne les parasites intestinaux, des taux de prevalence de 77,5 %, 73,3 % et 79,7 % ont ere observes chez les eleves respectivement a Yamtenga, Koubri et Daguilma. Pour la bilharziose urinaire, 5,8% des eleves sont infectes a Yamtenga, 3,3 a Koubri et 4,1 % a Daguilma. Parmi les eleves ayant un deficit ponderal, 91,2% sont infecres par les parasites intestinaux a Y amtenga, 84,2 % a Koubri et 65,0 % a Daguilma. 11 s'avere necessaire dans la lutte contre la  malnutrition chez les enfants d'age scolaire de garantir non seulement une  alimentation adequate mais egalement d'y associer un traitement efficace contre les parasites intestinaux et urinaires.

Mots-cles: Enfant, Ecole, Statut nutritionnel, IMC pour age, parasitoses, Burkina Faso.

Nutritional status and parasites (intestinal and urinary) infections among school-age children in Burkina Faso: case study of Yamtenga, Koubri and Daguilma schools.

This study aims to assess the nutritional status in relation to the associated parasitic state among in children of three schools in Burkina Faso, namely Daguilma, Koubri and Y amtenga. The study was conducted from April to October 2014.  The assessment of nutritional status focused on the Body Mass Index for Age (BMI for age) which is more appropriate for the evaluation of malnutrition among children aged from 5 to 19 years (WHO, 2007). The characterization of intestinal parasites was performed using the formalin ether method which has the advantage for  identifying helminth eggs and protozoa. A total of 363 schoolchildren consisting of 182 boys and 181 girls were selected for the study. The results obtained showed an underweight of 28.3%, 15.8% and 16.3% among schoolchildren of Yamtenga, Koubri and Daguilma, respectively. The intestinal parasites rates recorded were 77.5%, 73.3% and 79.7% in Yamtenga, Koubri and Daguilma, respectively. For the urinary schistosomiasis, 5.8, 3.3 and 4.1% of schoolchildren were infected in Y amtenga, Koubri and Daguilma, respectively. Among the underweight schoolchildren, 91.2, 84.2 and 65% were infected by intestinal parasites in Yamtenga, Koubri and Daguilma, respectively. It appears necessary for a successful fight against malnutrition among schoolchildren, to ensure not only adequate food, but also to involve an effective treatment against intestinal and urinary parasites.

Keywords: Children, School, Nutritional status, BMI for age, parasite infection.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-7605
print ISSN: 1011-6028