The effectiveness of electronic transactions in institutions of learning in recent past is highly contingent upon an information and communication technology infrastructure. Such infrastructure enhances information management, cooperation and coordination during e-transactions. The infrastructure that allows such transactions to thrive and grow is a model for an interactive web-based Extranet system and not just a site for transactions. This infrastructure must be carefully planned and modeled from the outset of Extranet modeling, particularly in a web-based environment. This research adopted an interactive web-based Extranet system for students’ academic records in Ambrose Alli University, as a research domain, which depicts a positive trend towards achieving objectives for students, lecturers and parents to access and compute results online rather than maintaining physical documents. The database will serve as repository of students’ academic records over a long period of time. The methodology of the special software to be developed involved the collections of main modern tools and technologies, such as Apache Web Server, PHP and MySQL which can work on any platform, such as windows and Linus.
Keywords: Extranet-Model, Interactive, Web-Based, Students, Academic, Records