Increase is the effectiveness of teaching and learning through the adoption of social networking technology in the teaching and learning process in Nigeria tertiary institutions, using Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike as case study, is one of the landmark achievements of information and communication technology and as innovative pedagogy aimed at redefining education. The study employed a survey research method and was aimed at finding out how advantageous and important adoption of social networking is to teaching and learning in Nigeria Universities, and the factors militating against this adoption. The instrument used for the study was structured questionnaires, and the instrument was validated by five scholars from the Federal University of Technology Owerri. A response rate of 80% was recorded. The responses from questionnaires were anlaysed using frequency distribution and parentages. The results from the study revealed that majority of the respondents gave positive response and agreed that adoption of social networking in teaching and learning in Nigeria Universities is important and advantageous and will ensure a closer link between lecturers and students and will help bridge the divide between the students and the lecturers. Use of social Networking media in teaching would also help sharpen the students’ skills in publication. Some top most militating factors against this adoption include epileptic power supply, high tariff on internet access and unwilling of lecturers to adopt changes. Some recommendations made were suggestions for improvement in power supply and other basic infrastructures by the government, improvement of technical know-how of both students and lecturers and increase in interest on this adoption and use.