Idealism, a School of Thought which emphasizes a kind of philosophy that described ultimate reality as ‘thought’ or ‘mind’ has fallen under the sledge hammer of some philosophers, especially the empiricists because, the empiricists believe that Idealism has no practical or empirical basis. Due to the current emphasis on the acquisition of scientific and technological knowledge in Nigeria, there has been the coming together of the wits on how best to achieve the said objective. This paper is aimed at contributing its quota by daring to propose Idealism as inevitability in the acquisition of scientific and technological knowledge. Against this backdrop, this paper examines the role of Idealism in Scientific Technological Advancement in Nigeria. While trying to do this, this writer critically examined the epistemological position of the Idealists, bringing out the inadequacies. Then proceeded to bring out the plausible roles Idealism would probably play in the acquisition of scientific and technological knowledge.