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Incidence of Gummosis and Its Effect on Growth Attributes of Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev. and Taminalia mantaly H. Perrier in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Fifteen years old trees of Terminalia ivorensis and Taminalia mantaly established as landscape plants were studied for gummosis incidence and its effects on the species growth attributes. The study was conducted at the University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria in January to December, 2011. The result showed that Phytophlthora palmivora is the causal pathogen of gummosis in Terminalia ivorensis and T. mantaly at the University of Port Harcourt. The disease incidence was 76% and 29.5% in T. mantaly and T. ivorensis respectively. There were significant differences in disease incidence between the two species at 5% level of probability. The disease also had significant impact on the growth attributes of the two species. There were significant differences between healthy and infested trees of the species at 5% level of probability. An integrated management approach should be developed to curb the incidence of the diseases and reduce its effects on growth and development of the Terminalia species. The strategies should involve: appropriate cultural practices to mitigate disease spread, application of environmental friendly practices and breeding for resistant varieties.
Keywords: incidence, Gummosis, growth, Terminalia ivorensis, T.mantaly, Phytophthora palmivora