This research work focused on development of a model of web based virtual University Administration for Nigerian universities. This is necessary as there is still a noticeable administrative constraint in our Universities, the establishment of many University Web portals notwithstanding. More efforts are therefore needed to enhance or improve on the software that drives these portals to make them more efficient and render real time services. The model enables members of academic community to set up curriculum, register students and staff, enter exam scores, post news, view results, pay school fees, request for transcripts, obtain vital information from the university and update information on daily basis. The model has a watch-dog monitor called Web Patrol that monitors and keeps a log of the transactions by students and staff. The methodologies adopted for this work are top-down, prototyping and Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM). This research work helps in bringing university administrative products and services to the door steps of people, thereby reducing administrative bottleneck witnessed in our universities today. It generates results and transcripts, thereby solving the current problems of delay in result and transcript processing and transfer in our universities.