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Medicinal Plants Used by Herbal Healers in Narasipura and Manchale Villages of Sagara Taluk, Karnataka, India
healers in Narasipura and Manchale villages of Sagara Taluk, Karnataka, India. The people, particularly from rural places, depend on herbs for primary
health care where ethnomedicinal use of plants has been practiced since time
immemorial. Sagara taluk is located in the midst of the Western Ghats region
of Shivamogga District, Karnataka State, India. Ethnobotanical field surveys
were conducted from January to March 2012 to document the uses of medicinal plants by herbal healers in villages Narasipura and Manchale of
Sagarataluk, Karnataka state, India. A total of 21 plants in Narasipura and 14
plants in Manchale were documented. The information about local name,
partsused, type of formulation and disorders for which they were used are