The aim of this study was to detect Giardia spp. as zoonotic helminth as Giardiosis has been recognised as the one of the important parasitic diarrhoea among children as cross transmission may occur between human and rabbits. Other helminths in rabbits may causes ill health and sometimes proved fatal. Faecal samples of 42 rabbits of different age group (1-4 years) from Nagpur and Akola regions, India were examined. The study was conducted during June to August 2008. Faecal sample examination revealed presence of mixed infection of eggs of parasites like Giardia spp. (19.04%), Trichostrongyle spp. (28.57%), Graphidium spp. (19.04%), Coccidia spp. (16.66%) and Passaluras spp. (14.28%).