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Identification of Cis-regulatory Elements of Butyrophilin Gene of the Mammary Gland
DNA sequences were masked using CENSOR. The multiple sequence analysis revealed nine highly conserved regions of similarities in the 5’- flanking region of butyrophilin genes across species. Consensus putative transcription factor binding sites were identified using MatInspector and compared with SiteGA results. They were subsequently examined for the expression in the mammary gland as well as for their occurrence in the previously identified region of homology. Finally, CCCTCbinding factor (CTCF) and nuclear receptor subfamily 2 - factor (NR2F) were identified
at a similar distance from the transcription start site in the 5’- flanking region of butyrophilin gene across the species. However, the exact interaction of these transcription factors with the butyrophilin gene is not known, which needs further investigation.