A survey was conducted on 75 smallholder householders and 205 sample cows selected by random and purposive sampling with the objectives of investigating the challenges, potential and opportunities of production of indigenous Horro and their F1 Jersey cross heifers and cows. The means ± SDs of total farmland, cropland and grazing land holding of individual smallholder householders of the study area was 3.6±3.16, 2.86±2.51 and 0.81±0.89 respectively. The means and SDs of livestock species holdings were 17±11.66, 2.9±3.98, 2.9±4.83, 1.8 ±1.66 and 9.3±8.97 for cattle, sheep, goats, equine and poultry respectively. Breeding method of cattle used was within the proportion of 63.8% and 36.2% for natural mating, and for bull and AI services respectively for on-farm production, while both AI and controlled natural mating were used in the Research Center. The means±SD of NSPC for Horro and their Jersey crossbred heifers was 2.1±1.09 and 1.7±0.94 respectively, where NSPC was significantly influenced by breed of cattle at P<0.05. The overall mean ± SE milk off-take per cow per day for local and crossbred cows were 1.5±0.01 and 5.02±0.12 litres, respectively. Feeding management, breed of animal and site of production significantly influenced milk productivity at P<0.001 both in wet and dry seasons of the year.