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The acceptability of HIV testing among women receiving post abortion care
Objective: To determine factors associated with acceptability of HIV testing among women receiving PAC at JTH.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, conducted at the Gynaecological Unit of JTH. Three hundred and forty patients were interviewed using a structured questionnaire.
Results: The mean age of the participants was 24.7 years with 50.5% aged <25years, 31.5% were employed, and 31.8% had no formal education. Acceptability of HIV testing was 70.9% and the prevalence of HIV was 2.7%. The most common reason for not accepting, was the belief, based on previous results, that they were HIV negative. Patients aged ≥25 years and those with primary and secondary education were twice as likely to accept HIV testing than those <25 years and those with no formal education, respectively. Employment status, religion and marital status were not statistically associated with acceptability of HIV testing. Patients previously tested for HIV were more likely to accept testing.
Conclusion: Routine HIV testing should be integrated into PAC services with efforts to increase awareness of HIV and importance of testing
Keywords: HIV, abortion, post-abortion care, South Sudan
South Sudan Medical Journal Vol 12 No 3 August 2019