A summary and analysis of all recorded emergency and elective caesarean sections (CS) performed at Juba Teaching Hospital (JTH), Juba, Southern Sudan from October 2008 to September 2009 was made. During this period 430 CS were performed giving a mean of 1.2 each day, the main reason being cited as obstructed labour. Thirty of the babies delivered by CS died giving a neonatal morality rate of 7%. Due to various /non-comprehensive reporting methods it is difficult to measure the maternal mortality rate associated with CS. Overall 11.2% of all deliveries were CS, in accordance with WHO targets. The majority of caesarean sections were performed using a general anaesthetic or ketamine (79% for emergency and 62% for elective surgery). These rates are much higher than those in the published guidance of best practice in the UK (Royal College of Anaesthetists Guideline 2006).