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The potential of social media in the classroom in case of scarce resources: Students’ perspectives
In a digital age, the question of using social media in the classroom has sparked interest from researchers and educators across the globe. While the benefits of using technology in the classroom are unquestionable in developed countries (Klopfer, Osterweil, Groff and Haas 2009), they are less obvious in developing countries. The present study explores the potential of using social media in contexts of limited resources. Results from a questionnaire administered to higher education students at a university in Burundi show that students are well-acquainted with widely used social media platforms, using them in their everyday activities. Students consider them excellent vehicles for improving their language skills in both English and French. In regard to incorporating social media into the classroom, students are very positive even though they are aware of the challenges this may pose. Based on the results, this study reflects on the potential advantages to incorporating social media in classrooms with limited resources.