Author fees

This journal charges fees to neither authors nor readers; it is Diamond Open Access.

Publisher Information

Lilico Engineering Services & Consultancy

Peer review

The core elements of our peer review process:
(1) Reviewers: Renowned scholars with established expertise in the specific research field conduct the review. To maintain objectivity and prevent bias, the review process is typically anonymized (single-blind), where the author is unaware of the reviewer's identity and vice versa.
(2) Evaluation Criteria: Reviewers meticulously assess the research paper's originality, methodological soundness, data analysis, results, and the validity of the conclusions drawn. They identify potential weaknesses in the research design, experimental procedures, or interpretation of findings.
(3) Outcomes: Based on their comprehensive evaluation, reviewers provide recommendations. These can range from acceptance for publication, suggesting revisions to address identified shortcomings, or rejection if the research is deemed fundamentally flawed.

The peer review process starts with an author submitting a manuscript to the journal through our online submission process. This manuscript is then automatically assigned to an editor. An initial editorial assessment ensures the manuscript adheres to the journal's quality standards, such as relevance to the journal's aims and scope, good writing, and completeness. Manuscripts that meet these criteria are further examined by the editor, who may reject them outright or proceed to independent peer review. An independent reviewer is tasked with evaluating the manuscript and providing a detailed report with their expert opinion to the editor. The editor then relays these insights to the author. After one round of review, the editor may accept or reject the manuscript, though authors typically must revise their work in response to reviewer feedback before a final decision is made. If the editor deems the revised manuscript suitable for publication, or if the authors fail to make the required changes, a final decision is rendered.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes 4 issues in 1 volume a year.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 3007-7400