Democratic election which ought to be the hallmark of democracy has suffered so much in Nigeria. Lack of proper understanding of what it means to have democracy has been one of the major problems that plague our state Nigeria’s experience in governance and politics since independence has been a struggle. As the country is prepares for any election, a lot of questions always agitate the minds of many especially regarding state of insecurity in the land. In the south-east zone of the country, for instance, the issue of kidnap has taken a centre stage. Not just quite long ago, precisely on the 1st of October, 2011, when the country was celebrating her golden jubilee some terrorists bombed the area and killed a lot of our citizens. This was not just a threat to national security but was also a scandal. This paper is to examine the reasons why democracy has not taken root since independence and more importantly, to find out why we have insecurity before and after elections. This it would do from the point of epistemological and methodological considerations. It is therefore the position of this paper that in order to reach its (Nigeria) full potentials in her political ideals and be stable as a polity, it must examine those things that cause insecurity and instability on or before election. It will try to proffer some remedies towards that.