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A critical examination of identity theory as a solution to the mind-body problem
controversial issue in philosophy and other disciplines of study. Several theories such
as Interactionism, Epiphenomenalism, Parallelism and so on, have been offered on
the mind-body relationship. The IDENTITY THEORY which this paper seeks to
critically examine is one of such theories offered as a solution to the mind-body
problem. Identity theory is a physicalist philosophy of the mind. According to this
theory, the so-called mental phenomena are all physical phenomena within the
human brain and nervous system. In other words, mind-states are brain states.
What this means is that when one talks of a person's beliefs, thoughts, hopes, ideas
and so on, one is in fact referring to events and processes and states within the
human brain and nervous system.
Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy Vol. 8(1) 2005: 23-27