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Evaluation of physical facilities and processing operations of major abattoirs in North-western states of Nigeria
The study was carried out to evaluate the physical facilities of four major abattoirs in North-western states of Nigeria these are: Mayanka abattoir in Kano, Kara abattoir in Sokoto, Zango abattoir Zaria and Kawo abattoir in Kaduna. The facilities of these abattoirs were evaluated based on their presence and functional status. Pictures were taken using digital camera to document conditions of the infrastructure and activities of the butchers. The present study showed that the basic components were in a deplorable state. The dilapidated conditions of the abattoirs were as a result of failure to enforce the use of standard facilities in carrying out abattoir operations and general maintenance in the understudied abattoirs. It was similarly observed that there was no proper record keeping, no formal ante-mortem and post-mortem meat inspection. Hygiene and sanitation were largely absent in these abattoirs. Diseases such as tuberculosis, contagious pleuropneumonia, fasciolosis and hydatidosis were most frequently encountered during the study. The results of focus-group interaction revealed that only 40% of butchers supported the use of standard operating facilities during operation, while the remaining rejected the idea. It was concluded that all the major abattoirs in Kaduna, Kano and Sokoto states of North-western Nigeria were in a deplorable state and the dilapidated infrastructure could not support the production of safe and wholesome meat and meat products for human consumption.
Keywords: Abattoir, Butcher, Meat, Physical facilities, Public health, Standard operating procedures