Reorganisation on the frontierOn 28 November 1941 Rommel temporarily abandoned the frontier garrisons to their fate and turned westwards to return to the Tobruk- Sidi Rezegh area. Freyberg's New Zealanders had made the most of the Panzer Division's absence and had taken Belhamed and ed Duda, recaptured Sidi Rezegh and linked with the garrison of Tobruk. The German armoured divisions now turned back towards Sidi Rezegh along the Trigh Capuzzo where they were further damaged in encounters with New Zealand units, but the poor tactical handling of the British 22 Armoured Brigade allowed Rommel's weakened forces through. The German artillery inflicted heavy losses again on 7 Armoured Division and battle was once more joined around Sidi Rezegh, where the British forces on 29 and 30 November were employed with characteristic lack of co-ordination and were defeated in detail. The unprotected New Zealand Division was badly mauled in consequence and Belhamed and Sidi Rezegh changed hands once more; Tobruk was besieged again.
Keywords: Auchinleck; Rommel; 'Crusader'; French North West Africa; Allied Forces; Axis forces; 2 SA Division Enters the Fight; 2 Anti-Tank Regiment Joins 2 Armoured Brigade; Lt Col Parkin; New Zealand Division; Sidi Rezegh; German artillery; Panzer Division