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QT interval prolongation in patients with hypertensive heart disease
Methods: The study was cross-sectional in design. Subjects confirmed on echocardiography to have HHD were recruited consecutively from 3 echocardiography laboratories in the Kano City, Nigeria, over 7 months. Prolonged QTc was defined as QTc > 440 ms in males and > 460 ms in females, or more than 500ms in both sexes in the presence of complete bundle branch block. A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: A total of 113 patients were recruited consecutively, and 32 of them (28.3%) had prolonged QTc, while the remaining 81 (71.7%) had normal QTc. Patients with prolonged QTc had significantly higher prevalence of moderate-severe dyspnoea and peripheral oedema, higher mean heart rate, shorter PR interval, larger left atrium and left ventricle (LV), worse LV systolic and diastolic functions, and higher prevalence of eccentric LV geometric pattern.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated high prevalence of prolonged QTc in patients with hypertensive heart disease. Affected patients had significantly higher prevalence of several factors associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Assessment of QTc is recommended for risk stratification in patients with HHD.