Background: Phyllodes tumour of the breast is a rare and potentially aggressive tumour. Little information is available regarding the optimal management of this tumour and rarer still, are data regarding survival. We report our experience in the diagnosis, management and outcome of phyllodes tumour. Patients and Methods: The hospital case notes of adolescent female patients found to have phyllodes tumour from 1997 to 2007 were identified from the medical records department of the hospital. Data extracted included sex, age, presenting symptoms, anatomical site of lesion and clinical evaluation including approximate size of the breast masses. Results of investigations including haemogram, urea and electrolytes, chest xray, ultrasonography, tru-cut and excision biopsy, surgical treatment and outcome of treatment were obtained. The follow up visits to the outpatient clinic were also noted.
Results: There were 17 females aged between 25 and 30 years. Five patients had previous excision biopsy of fibrodenoma from the ipsilateral breasts when they were teenagers. The median tumour size
was 17.5 cm in diameter. There were no clinical features suggestive of malignancy. The chest radiographs were within normal limits. Histopathological findings showed that ten (58.82%) patients had
the benign variety while seven (41.18%) had the borderline variety. All had a wide excision of the tumour but were not offered any adjuvant therapy. Conclusion: Early diagnosis and treatment with adequate surgical margins are essential in the successful management of phyllodes tumour.