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Urolithiasis in Sokoto, North–Western Nigeria
Methodology: We retrospectively reviewed all cases of urolithiasis treated at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital from 1997 to 2003. Chemical Compositions of 50 lower tract stones were also determined.
Results: A total of 121 patients were treated during the study period. The Hospital incidence was 25.75 per 100,000. Children aged 15 years and below constituted 24.0% of cases and in 10 (18.0%) adults the stones were traceable to early childhood. The male to female ratio was 23.1:1. The stones were solitary in 62.0% of cases and located in the bladder in 44.5% of patients. In 94% of patients there were no identifiable causative factors. Open surgical procedures were performed in the treatment of 74.0% of patients. All the stones were heterogeneous in chemical composition and the majority, 74%, contained uric acid/urate.
Conclusion: Majority of stones in Sokoto North Western Nigeria were heterogeneous, solitary and primary bladder stones in young males; a pattern similar to that observed in endemic bladder stone regions. Facilities for minimally invasive stone surgery are recommended to reduce morbidity and mortality from stone disease.
Keywords: urolithiasis, endemic pattern, North-Western Nigeria
Sahel Medical Journal Vol. 9(1) 2006: 10-14