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Congenital malformations in paediatric and neurosurgical practices: problems and pattern (A preliminary report)
Methodology: We retrospectively studied all children presenting over a 5-year period (1998 to 2002) with congenital anomalies to the Paediatric Surgery and Neurosurgery units of the University Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria. Clinical data abstracted and analyzed include age, type of congenital anomaly, management, complications and outcome.
Results: There were 803 children with various systemic congenital malformations. Of these, 588 (73.2%) were operated, constituting 54.4% of the total operations performed on children (1080) during the study period. Malformations of the gastrointestinal tract (536) including hernias (317), anorectal malformations (61), Hirschsprung\'s disease(45), and omphalocoeles(19), were the most frequent. Next in frequency were malformations of the central nervous system (114), the commonest being spinal dysraphism (50) and hydrocephalus (44). Less common malformations included urogenital (105) and biliary (3) anomalies as well as lesions of the neck (35), skin (8) and soft tissues(2). The overall mortality rate of 3.4% (20/586) was predominantly due to the deaths of infants with oesophageal atresia, gastroschisis, and ruptured myelomeningocoele.
Conclusion: The commonest systemic congenital malformations encountered by the paediatric and neurosurgical units in this center are in order of decreasing frequency gastrointestinal, central nervous and genitourinary.
Keywords: congenital malformation, pattern, management, outcome
Sahel Medical Journal Vol. 8(1) 2005: 4-8