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Megalourethra; Social and Clinical Challenges: Case Report
Megalourethra is a rare congenital mesenchymal anomaly causing marked non-obstructive dilatation of the anterior urethra. The scaphoid type involves the spongiosa tissue only. It is managed by Nasbitt's urethroplasty. The fusiform type involves both cavernous and spongiosa tissues. It is also associated with other major congenital anomalies especially of the anterior abdominal wall and urinary tract. Operative management is phalloplasty or gender reassignment. We report one case of scaphoid megalourethra successfully managed with urethroplasty, and one case of fusiform megalourethra with multiple anomalies. Approach to diagnosis, investigations and management of this rare condition is discussed.
(Key words: Megalourethra, Urethroplasty).
Sahel Medical Journal Vol.7(1) 2004: 36-38
(Key words: Megalourethra, Urethroplasty).
Sahel Medical Journal Vol.7(1) 2004: 36-38