The Decree establishing the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) was promulgated in 1999, however, actual implementation of the NHIS commenced in 2002. The goal of the NHIS is to provide easy access to qualitative healthcare services at an affordable price to all Nigerians. The NHIS operates on the principles of Social Health Insurance and has a total of 6 programmes designed to cater for all sections of the populace. 4 of the six Programmes of the NHIS have been commenced on a small scale. Further development of the NHIS to the stage of universal implementation will depend on several factors amongst which are continued political will, adequate funding, human resource development and public sensitization and mobilization to ensure widespread participation.
KEYWORDS: National Health Insurance Scheme, Programmes, Political will
Sahel Med. J. Vol.6(1) 2003: 1-5