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Effects of Xylazine and Propofol Treatments on Some Semen and Serum Biochemical Parameters of the Red Sokoto Buck
Sokoto buck were investigated. Twenty seven red Sokoto bucks, at the age of 2 years and weighing between 32 and 34 kg were used. Following an intramuscular administration of 0.22 mg/kg of 20 mg/ml of xylazine and an intravenous injection of 10 mg/ml of propofol at 6 mg/kg, semen and sera samples were collected at 1, 24, 72, and 192 hours post administration for analysis. The parameters studied were volume of semen, percentage motility, sperm concentration, semen glucose, serum testosterone and follicle stimulating hormone. These parameters were found to decrease significantly (p<0.05) when compared with the pretreatment group throughout the collection period. However, the drugs did not affect the live sperm percentage. These findings indicate that xylazine and propofol decrease semen volume, sperm concentration, semen glucose, serum testosterone and follicle
stimulating hormone. It was concluded that both drugs should be used cautiously in red Sokoto bucks meant for breeding due to the deleterious effects they may cause on fertility parameters.