The study was carried out with the aim of determining the percentage wastage of foetus due to the slaughter of pregnant does in Zango Abattoir, Samaru - Zaria, Nigeria. Out of a total of 680 female goats slaughtered during three months (January to March, 1998), 275 (40.4%) of them were pregnant. From the pregnant uteri, 413 foetuses were recovered. Out of the recovered foetuses 41.7%, 32.9% and 25.4% were singles, twins and triplets, respectively. It was observed that multiple birth accounted for about 37.4% of the lost foetuses. The highest percentage (57.6%) of the foetuses recovered fell within the first trimester of pregnancy, while the second and third trimesters had 27.4% and 15% respectively. The correlation between the weight and length of the foetus was positive and significant (r = 0.928, p<0.001) while the relationship between the weight and age as well as that between the length and age were positive and significant (r = 0.909 and 0.990, p<0.001, respectively. The regression equations and the results of the correlation analysis showed that the gestational age of the local breeds of goats can be accurately estimated
by crown-rump length measurement. It was concluded that the slaughter of pregnant does in the nations abattoirs as a result of indiscriminate sales of female goats by livestock farmers as well as lack of pregnancy diagnostics tests by the veterinary personnel before slaughter has led to heavy loss of foetuses with consequent decrease in the available of animal proteins in the country.