This guide describes how to prepare manuscript for submission. We also recommend that, before submission, the authors should familiarize themselves with SJVS’s style and content by reading through this guide carefully.

Description and Scope

The Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences aims to provide a platform for the publication of high-quality research articles, short communications, case reports, and review articles encompassing all aspects of Veterinary Sciences and related disciplines. The journal welcomes original research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge in these areas. Both basic and applied research articles are encouraged, as well as short communications that provide concise findings or preliminary results. Additionally, the journal invites case reports that present interesting or unique clinical cases, and review articles that critically analyze and summarize the current state of knowledge in specific areas of veterinary sciences. The scope of the journal includes:

  1. Animal Production:
    • Animal breeding and genetics
    • Animal nutrition and feeding
    • Livestock management and welfare
    • Reproductive biology and technology in animals
    • Animal behavior and welfare
    • Animal biotechnology and genomics
    • Animal husbandry practices and techniques
  2. Veterinary Medicine Specialties:
    • Small animal medicine and surgery
    • Large animal medicine and surgery
    • Avian and exotic animal medicine
    • Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics
    • Veterinary pathology and diagnostics
    • Veterinary anesthesia and pain management
    • Veterinary epidemiology and public health
    • Veterinary radiology and imaging
    • Veterinary clinical sciences
    • Comparative medicine and pathology
    • Veterinary immunology and infectious diseases
    • Veterinary oncology
    • Veterinary toxicology
    • Veterinary microbiology and virology
    • Veterinary parasitology
    • Veterinary public health and zoonoses
    • Veterinary education and research methodology
  3. One Health-related Research:
    • Interactions between human, animal, and environmental health
    • Zoonotic diseases and their prevention and control
    • Emerging infectious diseases and their impact on animal and human populations
    • Environmental impacts on animal and human health
    • Epidemiological studies and surveillance programs related to One Health

Please note that the journal also welcomes interdisciplinary studies that bridge the gap between veterinary sciences and other related fields, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Only original contributions written in clear and concise English would be considered for publication. The journal is published quarterly.

Policy Statement:

The editorial team of the Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences is committed to maintaining the highest standards of scientific integrity and peer review to ensure the publication of high-quality research that contributes to the advancement of Veterinary Sciences and related disciplines. By promoting the dissemination of research findings, the journal aims to contribute to the development of veterinary sciences and the improvement of animal health and welfare. Authors are encouraged to submit their original contributions and all submissions should adhere to the journal's guidelines and formatting requirements. Authors are urged to use the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on good ‎‎publication practice for preparation of manuscripts to be submitted to this journal. Cruelty in ‎‎animal experimentation is not acceptable to the Editors of Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences.‎

Peer Review

A manuscript submitted to SJVS is peer-reviewed by two competent reviewers. The Editorial Board accepts or rejects the manuscript based on the recommendation of the reviewers. A third review may sometimes be required for a manuscript where inconclusive recommendations come from two previous reviewers. The revised manuscript is published after the recommendation of the reviewers have been complied with by the authors.

Peer Review Process:

The Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences journal follows the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We expect authors, reviewers, and editors to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and ethical conduct in all stages of the publication process. Plagiarism, data fabrication, and any form of scientific misconduct will not be tolerated. An outline of the review process is provided below:

  1. Submission and Initial Screening:
    • Authors submit their manuscripts through the journal's online submission system.
    • The editorial office conducts an initial screening to ensure that the manuscript meets the journal's guidelines and formatting requirements.
  2. Assignment to Reviewers:
    • The editor-in-chief or assigned handling editor selects appropriate reviewers who are experts in the subject area of the manuscript.
    • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, experience, and absence of conflicts of interest.
  3. Peer Review:
    • The journal follows a blind peer review process. Reviewers receive the manuscript along with guidelines to evaluate various aspects such as scientific validity, methodology, originality, clarity, and significance.
    • Reviewers are requested to provide constructive feedback, suggestions, and comments to help the authors improve their work.
    • Reviewers are expected to evaluate the manuscript objectively, maintain confidentiality, and disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
  4. Reviewer's Recommendations:
    • Reviewers provide one of the following recommendations:
      • Accept: The manuscript is of high quality and meets the journal's standards.
      • Minor revisions: The manuscript requires minor changes and can be accepted after addressing the reviewers' comments.
      • Major revisions: The manuscript has potential but requires substantial revisions and further evaluation.
      • Resubmit for review: The reviewers have identified important areas for improvement. The authors are encouraged to address the reviewers' comments and suggestions and resubmit the revised manuscript for further review
      • Submit elsewhere: Based on the reviewers' feedback and evaluation the manuscript does not meet the criteria for publication in our journal. We encourage the authors to consider submitting their work to a more suitable publication that may better appreciate its content and contribute to the relevant field.
      • Reject: The reviewers' assessments of the manuscript have highlighted significant concerns regarding the methodology, data interpretation, and overall contribution to the field
  5. Editor's Decision:
    • Based on the reviewers' recommendations, the handling editor makes a decision on the manuscript.
    • The editor-in-chief or associate editor may be involved in the decision-making process for complex or contentious cases.
    • The decision may include acceptance, rejection, or the need for major or minor revisions.
  6. Author Notification and Revision:
    • Authors are notified of the decision, along with the reviewers' comments and recommendations.
    • In case of revisions, authors are provided with a reasonable timeline to address the reviewers' comments and submit a revised version of their manuscript.
  7. Second Round of Review (if necessary):
    • If major revisions are requested, the revised manuscript may undergo a second round of review.
    • The same or different reviewers may be assigned to evaluate the revised version.
  8. Final Decision:
    • The handling editor evaluates the revised manuscript and makes a final decision.
    • The decision may include acceptance, further revisions, or rejection.

Timelines for Review Completion:

  • Initial review process: Within 4-6 weeks from the date of submission.
  • Revision period: Authors are provided with a reasonable timeline, typically 2-4 weeks, to address the reviewers' comments and submit a revised version.
  • Second round of review (if necessary): Within 3-4 weeks from the date of revised submission.
  • Final decision: Within 2 weeks from the completion of the review process.

Publication Scheduling

Quarterly (4 times a year)

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 1117-6210