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Correlation between Retinopathy, Nephropathy and Peripheral Neuropathy among Adult Sudanese Diabetic Patients
Objective: To correlate between retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy, among adult Sudanese diabetic patients at Elshaab Teaching hospital, Ahmed Gasim Teaching hospital and Gabber Abu Eleaz centre, from December 2006 to September 2008.
Methodology: This is a descriptive prospective cross sectional hospital based study, 71 patients were included.
Result: Male to female ratio was1.4:1.Common age group affected was 60-69 (32.4%).Common duration of diabetes mellitus was 20-24 years (23.9%).All patients who had diabetes for 25 years or more had developed complications (19.7%).The commonest long term microvascular complication was found to be retinopathy (71.2%), followed by neuropathy (69 %) and nephropathy (50.7%).It was found that (47.6%) of our patients had the three complications.
Conclusion: Long-term micro vascular complications affect male more than female, with average age of onset 60-69 years. All patients who had diabetes for 25 years or more had developed complications. Retinopathy is the most common micro vascular complication, followed by neuropathy. There is a significant correlation between retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy in association with the duration and control of blood glucose level.
Key words: diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia, microvascular.