Retroperitonel fibrosis is a rare disease that occasionally faces the general surgeon as a case of retroperitoneal tumour. Ureteric stenting may succeed in relieving urinary obstruction, however, these stents are only for temporal use. For this reason and to exclude presence of retroperitoneal tumours, surgical ureterolysis remains the corner stone for saving the kidneys from the ultimate fate of renal failure. Steroids are of help when added to the surgical therapy. Recently tamoxifen was reported to be the treatment of choice in primary retroperitoneal fibrosis. Here, we describe the management of 2 cases of idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis one in a police officer with diabetes mellitus and the other in a housewife.
Keywords: bilateral hydronephrosis, retroperitoneal fibrosis, surgical ureterolysis, bilateral hydronephrosis, tamoxifen
Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 1(1) 2006: 67-70