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Oropharyngeal Stenosis: A Rare Complication of Tonsillectomy

N.O. Iyanda
I.O. Ajayi
H.K. Omokanye


Tonsillectomy is the most common major surgery done in children all over the world. Cold knife dissection under general anaesthesia is about the most popular method of surgical removal of the tonsils amongst surgeons in our setting. Although anaesthetic or surgical complications may occur with resultant morbidity and rarely mortality; oropharyngeal stenosis is an unusual complication. We report a case of a 17-year-old girl with an unusual oropharyngeal stenosis following tonsillectomy done by cold knife dissection causing prolonged hospital stay due to significant morbidity. Clinical presentation, endoscopic evaluation and surgical management of the patient were highlightedwith a review of pertinent literature. We conclude that oropharyngeal stenosis is an uncommon complication of simple tonsillectomy. Early diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion at routine follow-up clinics. A simple surgical adhesiolysis may suffice if detected early prior to progression to thick, firm scar.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1115-0939
print ISSN: 2276-6839