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The impact of presbyopia on quality of life in rural Nigeria
Methods: A cross sectional descriptive survey of people aged 35years and above in Esie was carried out between May and June, 2013. A total of 404 subjects were enrolled into the study by a multistage sampling procedure. Presbyopia was determined as presenting near vision <N8 at 40cm. Interviewer administered structured questionnaires were used to collect subjects' information. A validated instrument was used to assess near visual function and quality of life.
Results : Three hundred and thirty five(335) subjects aged 35-100 were included with 24 subjects not being available for examination and 45 subjects excluded based on the visual acuity cut off point. The prevalence of presbyopia was 59.7%. Being presbyopic was associated with more difficulty with reading (p value < 0.0001), writing (p 0.005), sorting stones from rice (p 0.033), threading needles (p< 0.0001) and seeing mobile phone numbers (p 0.006). Presbyopes were less satisfied with their near vision and required help from others more than non presbyopes (p<0.0001). There was no difference in social functioning between the two groups.
Conclusion: Presbyopia contributes significantly to reduction in visual function and quality of life in this study. This reduction was significant in activities impacting family care and economy irrespective of educational status and far beyond difficulties with reading. Presbyopic correction should be offered to every presbyope in order to reverse the reduction in quality of life associated with presbyopia even in rural communities.
Keywords: presbyopia, rural community, visual function, quality of life
Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice 2017;6(2):09-15