The Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice published bi-annually (December and June) seeks to promote and advance the practice and study of all fields of medicine in Kwara State in particular and Nigeria in general, as well as in other African countries and the rest of the world. We therefore welcome contributions relating to all aspects of medicine from workers throughout the world. Contributions may be in the form of original articles, solicited review articles, case report, letters, preliminary communications e.t.c. Manuscript should be typewritten on A4 size paper in clear and concise English. It should be typed on one side of paper only, with double spacing and ample margins. Page number should be done in a consecutive manner. Manuscripts, figures and tables should be submitted in three copies (one original and two clear photocopies) plus an electronic copy in word format in a CD disc. Another electronic copy should also be sent to the Editor-in-Chief: The hard copies and CD disc should be enclosed in a large envelope addressed to Prof. O.T. Adedoyin, The Editor-in-Chief, Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice, Department of Paediatrics, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin. Manuscript should be presented in the following order and all pages numbered consecutively (Title page, Abstracts, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, References, Tables and Figure legends). Designations, titles, academic qualifications, and institutions of the all the authors must be clearly indicated on the title page. The postal address, e-mail and telephone number of the corresponding author must also be indicated in the lower portion of the title page. Title should not be more than 15-20 words. Abstracts should not be more than 200 words. Key words must consist of four to six words. Appropriate position of figures and tables in the text should be indicated. The orders of tables and figures should be in Roman figure e.g. (Table II). Tables should be devoid of lines in rows. International acceptable nomenclature and unit of scientific measurement, System international (SI) should be used. No sentence should begin with Arabic numerals. References should be superscript and come after punctuations. The manuscript must be double spaced. Authors are responsible for accuracy of all references in the text. Only indispensable references should be used. Citation in the text should appear as consecutive numbers in superscript after the punctuations. All the cited references should be listed serially at the end of the paper using the format in index medicus in accordance with Vancouver convention style of referencing. The full title of the article or book and the first and last page numbers of the particular paper or chapter should be given. The name of the journal should be abbreviated according to the style used in index medicus. Examples of references are: 1. Journal articles Adeyemi FT. Pattern of end stage renal diseases in children. Nig J Med Prac 1977; 4:30-35 2. Books Martins BT. Pulmonary tuberculosis. In: Textbook of Chest Medicine in the Tropics. Jimmy DB, ed. Chester Croker (Publishers), London, 1967:25-30 The Journal format must be strictly adhered to in the preparation of the manuscripts. Authors should ensure accuracy of spellings and other details to avoid undue delay in editorial review. Galley proofs may be sent to the author designated; the proofs must be returned to the Editor -in-Chief within a week. Authors will be required to pay for any major alteration in their proofs. Reprints may be ordered when proofs are returned to the Editor in chief. Ten reprints only of each article may be supplied free of charge. Papers accepted for publication remain the copy right of the journal. Manuscript will be reviewed anonymously by at least two assessors. However, the final decision to accept or reject any manuscript will be made by the Editor-in-chief. The Journal would publish results of research involving human subjects and patients only if such a study has been conducted after appropriate clearance from the medical Ethics Committee of the Host institution. Articles published in the journal represent the opinion of the authors(s) and not those of editors or publishers. Five thousand naira (N5, 000) or ($50) will be charged for each article accepted for publication.

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eISSN: 1115-0939
print ISSN: 2276-6839