Samaru Journal of Information Studies <p>The <em>Samaru Journal of Information Studies</em> addresses issues in the field of library science, information science and related fields including but not limited to, information and communication Technology (ICT) applications to effectively create, apply, and communicate knowledge in organization. including but not limited to knowledge management, information and communication Technology (ICT) applications and use, communication, public relations and other allied areas of information studies. The basic objectives of the journal are (i) to provide current thoughts and research reports on developments and trends in the areas of Library and information science, academic, school, national and special librarianship. (ii) to provide a platform for new thinking and directions on the problems, prospects strategies and techniques of library and information services and ICT applications in library, archive, publishing and information works. (iii) to provide a forum for discussion of library and information science education and training, and future trends in information access and delivery.</p> en-US Copyright is held by the journal (Business Manager) (Circulation Manager) Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:45:24 +0000 OJS 60 Perceived influence of Nollywood Movie "A Tribe Called Judah" on the social behaviour of university students in Ogun State <p><em>The popularity of Nollywood films raises substantial concerns about their impact on social behaviours, particularly in the context of university students who are at a formative stage in their social development. Against the backdrop of a relatively limited body of work examining the specific impact of Nollywood on university students' social behaviour in Nigeria, this study examined the perceived influence of "A Tribe Called Judah", a Nollywood movie, on the social behaviour of students of selected universities in Ogun state, Nigeria. A quantitative research method was deployed using a survey research design; the study was premised on the Social Learning and Cultivation theories. With a population of 3,804 students, a sample size of 532 was derived using the Taro Yamane formula. The proportional and convenient sampling techniques were used to pick respondents from selected universities. A validated questionnaire was used for data collection, and the data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study revealed that Nollywood movies hurt the social vices (x</em><em>̅ = 4.20, SD = 0.82) and disruptive behaviour (x</em><em>̅ = 4.19, SD = 0.77) of university students in Ogun state. However, the study also highlighted a positive aspect, showing that Nollywood significantly influences family ties among the students (x</em><em>̅= 4.18, SD = 0.86), bringing a sense of hope and optimism to the audience. The study concluded that </em><em>“A Tribe Called Judah</em><em>”, a Nollywood movie, significantly impacted the social behaviour of university students in Ogun State both positively and negatively. It recommends that parents play a crucial role in shaping students' behaviour.</em></p> Ayoola Olalekan Ajasa, Oladipo Arowa, David Teniola, Faith Chioma Charles Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Information literacy skills and knowledge sharing practices among Federal College of Forestry students in Ibadan, Oyo-State, Nigeria <p><em>The study investigated information literacy skills and knowledge-sharing practices among the Federal College of Forestry students in Ibadan, Oyo-state, Nigeria. Survey research was conducted to determine the influence of Information Literacy Skills (ILS) as a predictor of Knowledge Sharing Practices (KSP) among Federal College of Forestry Students in Ibadan, Oyo-State. The study sought to find the types, tools, purposes and challenges of sharing knowledge among Federal College of Forestry students Ibadan. The study adopted a quantitative method and deployed a questionnaire-based survey research design. Its population consists of 361 respondents from the Federal College of Forestry Students. The sample size was drawn using a random sampling technique. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings showed that the common types of knowledge shared are class notes/handouts, previous examination papers and entertainment such as music, video games, movies, Fashion, and sports. The tools mostly used were face-to-face, social media and mobile phones and the least tools used were Laptops. The purposes of sharing knowledge are to solve study-related problems, clarify or discuss the examination-related matter and discuss requirements of class projects, term papers, or assignments. Challenges to sharing knowledge among federal forestry college students include time constraints, Fear of providing wrong information and poor mobile and internet networks. The findings showed that the respondents had a high level of information literacy skills. The results also showed that information literacy skills have a significant positive relationship with the knowledge-sharing practices of Federal Forestry College students. Information literacy skills were found to have a significant positive relationship with knowledge-sharing practices, underscoring their importance in fostering a collaborative academic environment. To further enhance the positive impact of information literacy on knowledge sharing, the college should integrate comprehensive information literacy training into its curriculum. This will ensure that all students are equipped with the necessary skills to share knowledge effectively.</em></p> Yetunde Faith Olaseigbe, Ayomide Ayoola Ogundana, Ayokunle Oluwadamilola Giwa, Racheal Ajibola Rotimi, Abosede Tola Ogunojemite, Opene Sunday Ozonuwe Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing public library services for community development and transformation centres in Adamawa State-Nigeria <p><em>This research work examined public libraries as a centre for education and community transformation. To highlight the potential of libraries, the study was guided by two research questions to determine how public libraries enhance community development and uproot challenges related to transforming public libraries in Adamawa state Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the research, with a population of 130 respondents drawn from the Adamawa State Library Board, and members of the host community. The instrument used to generate data is a questionnaire and the data generated was analyzed using frequency tables and percentages. The major challenges confronting the libraries include Inadequate funding, Poor ICT Skills by Staff, Poor Conditions of Service, etc. The conclusion briefly explains the usefulness of public libraries in society. The recommendation stressed that the state government should address staff training challenges in public libraries in the state, increase funding to them, and set mechanisms to ensure that funds reach the libraries and the libraries should utilize the funds adequately to provide effective community development and transformation among other recommendations.</em></p> Suleiman Saad, Murtala Muhammed, Sa’ad Ibrahim, Sahabi Sule, Ahmed Bello, Mohammed Ibrahim Girei Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Understanding the challenges to information-seeking behaviour amongst internally displaced women in Western Equatorial State, South Sudan <p><em>This study was conducted to explore challenges to Information Behaviour amongst Internally Displaced Women in the Western Equatorial State, South Sudan. This propelled the researcher to conduct the research that sought to shed more light on what prompts internally displaced women in the study area to seek information, specifically establishing how women access information in IDP sites and the challenges experienced by women in accessing information in IDP sites in Western Equatorial State, South Sudan. Qualitative research methodology and an interpretive phenomenology research design were utilized for this research. Eight women leaders among the IDP population in Sites of Western Equatorial State, South Sudan were engaged to obtain necessary information for the study. A purposive sampling technique was employed for the selection of the participants and a Semi-structured interview was utilized for the data collection, while and thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings from the study revealed that access to information among women in the Western Equatorial State is through other women, camp coordinators and Media. Challenges to information on health, information on education, food, current trends, finance and relocation among others necessitate internally displaced women in the study area to seek information. This information is normally obtained from documents disseminated at the sites, peer networks, social networks, and camp leadership. Some of the IDPs are not privy to the information due to layers of barriers that impede them. This also serves as a hindrance in them accessing some essential services that ease their stay at the IDP sites. This research therefore recommends collective social cohesion and peace-building efforts of the Government and other stakeholders to ensure durable solutions to the incessant ethno-political violence in the Western Equatorial state, and in South Sudan as a whole to avert the multiple displacements the population is susceptible to. </em></p> Aisha Jummai Abdulsalam, Abdurrahman Jibril Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Awareness and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies for users with visual and hearing impairment in university libraries in Nigeria <p><em>New technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI) are increasingly becoming a major force in contemporary society as they touch almost our lives, health, education and business. AI is modelled after human intelligence to adapt, recognize and process information and is increasingly changing the ways and manner people handle certain tasks. This study examines the awareness, preparedness and challenges of adoption of AI tools in Nigerian university libraries for information service delivery to users with visual and hearing impairment. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. The sample population consists of university librarians in the federal, state and private universities in all 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory in Nigeria. The questionnaire was the main instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was administered face-to-face to the respondents by the researchers with the support of ten research assistants. Data were collected at the 2024 Nigeria Library Association (NLA) conference/Annual General Meeting (AGM) that was held at the University of Port Harcourt from 7th to 12th July 2024. The researchers randomly administered a total of 1000 copies of the questionnaire to librarians who attended the conference/AGM. From the 1000 questionnaires that were distributed, a total of 624 (62.4%) were retrieved and found usable for the analysis of this study. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), version 16.0. The results show that over 50% of librarians in this study are aware of AI tools and the majority of them are highly prepared to adopt AI for delivery of library and information services to users with visual and hearing impairment. The results moreover, revealed notable challenges facing the adoption and use of AI in university libraries in Nigeria. Recommendations to increase awareness, preparedness and solutions to the challenges are offered. </em></p> Saturday U. Omeluzor, Titilola Kikelomo Aluko-Arowolo Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Awareness and use of reference management tools among lecturers in Ekiti State Polytechnic, Isan-Ekiti <p><em>The study investigated awareness and use of reference management tools among lecturers in Ekiti State Polytechnic, Isan-Ekiti, Nigeria. Survey research was conducted to determine the awareness and use of reference management tools among lecturers of Ekiti State Polytechnic Isan-Ekiti, Nigeria (EKSPOLY). Its population consists of 43 lecturers. A total enumeration sampling technique was adopted to allow the targeted population to participate in this study. The questionnaire was the instrument used for the data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that the Open Access Reference Management Tools the respondents were aware of were Zotero (mean=3.60) and Mendeley (mean=2.79) while the Close Access Reference Management Tools were bookends (mean=2.91), paper pile and RefWorks (mean=2.86). There was a moderate level of use of reference management tools as the majority of the respondents used Mendeley (mean=3.51), Zotero (mean=2.35) and Endnote (mean=2.33). The benefits were easiness to download and install (mean=2.12) and generate a bibliography (mean=2.07). The challenges faced were the complexity of the software (mean=2.77), manual use of reference management tools (mean=2.42) and time-consuming (mean=2.05). The study concluded that there is a moderate awareness and level of use of reference management tools among EKSPOLY lecturers despite recognizing their importance, respondents face significant challenges in effectively utilizing these tools. The study therefore recommended that institutions should organize regular training sessions and workshops to enhance lecturers’ proficiency with reference management tools. At the same time, establish a support team to assist lecturers with the installation, setup and troubleshooting of reference management tools when the need arises. </em></p> Johnson Ayodeji Akerele, Ayokunle Oluwadamilola Giwa Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Age and educational background as a predicator on utilization of information and communication technology among undergraduate library users in university libraries in Cross River State, Nigeria <p><em>The study investigated age and educational background as a predictor of the utilization of information and communication technology among undergraduate library users in university libraries in Cross River State. The study tested two hypotheses to determine the influence of age on the utilization of information and communication technology among undergraduate library users in Cross River State public university libraries and determine the influence of educational background on the utilization of information and communication technology among Undergraduate library users in Cross River State Public Universities. The study adopted an Expost facto research design with a multistage sampling technique to select a total of 667 registered library users representing 10% of the population of the study from the two institutions of 6808. The reliability estimate ranged from .77 to .83. The findings revealed that there is a significant influence of Age on the Utilization of Information and Communication Technology among library users and there is also no significant influence of educational qualification on the utilization of information and communication technology among library users. The study recommended that younger users should be encouraged to intensify their use of the library to make use of modern facilities university should enforce the registration of students with the library compulsory from the first year of study.</em></p> Akunjom Edim Abang, Ibukun-Oluwa Chidnma Obafemi, Joseph Ungwugwaye Igligli, Peace Asukwo Nyong Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Combating small arms and light weapons smuggling in Nigeria: An analysis of intelligence information sources within the Nigeria customs service <p><em>This study investigates the sources of intelligence information utilized by the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) to combat the smuggling of arms and ammunition across the nation's borders. Utilizing the Intelligence Cycle Model as a framework, the research identifies key intelligence sources, including the NCS intelligence team, informants, special agents, other border agencies, and international databases such as INTERPOL. Findings revealed that while these sources play a significant role in intelligence collection, there is a notable deficiency in intelligence obtained from border communities, import clearing agents, and local databases like the Single Window database. This gap suggests missed opportunities for enhancing intelligence operations and underscores the necessity for improved engagement with local stakeholders. The study concludes with recommendations aimed at strengthening the NCS's intelligence-gathering capabilities, fostering community collaboration, and ultimately bolstering national security against the backdrop of ongoing challenges related to arms smuggling. </em></p> Isiyaku Yahaya Kuta, Tijjani Abubakar, Hayatu Musa Muhammad, Mohammed Habibu Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Knowledge sharing behaviour of library personnel in Ondo State tertiary institutions: Benefits and challenges <p><em>This study investigated the benefits and challenges of knowledge sharing among library personnel working in tertiary institution libraries of Ondo State. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. The population of the study comprised one hundred and fourteen library personnel working in Ondo State tertiary institutions. The study adopted the total enumeration technique. A structured questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. Out of one hundred and fourteen (114) copies of the questionnaire administered, ninety-two (92) copies were found useful for this study, giving a response rate of 80.7%. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. Results revealed that library personnel benefit immensely from knowledge sharing as the majority of the respondents strongly agreed that knowledge sharing leads to improvement in work practices (= 3.48), generation of new knowledge (= 3.32), provision of timely services (= 3.25), and so on. Results also revealed that virtually all the listed barriers militate against knowledge sharing among library personnel, such as lack of motivation and shortage of infrastructure. The study recommended adequate provision for staff training and technological infrastructure to motivate knowledge-sharing behaviour among library personnel as well as improve library services. </em></p> Michael Olorunfemi, Deborah Adeola Ipadeola Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Approaches to intelligence information gathering and sharing among security agencies for security management in Kaduna State, Nigeria <p><em>This study investigated the approaches used by security agencies to gather and share intelligence information for security management in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Two (2) research questions guided the study which were: what types of intelligence information are gathered and shared among security agencies in Kaduna State? What approaches are used for intelligence information gathering and sharing by security agencies for security management in Kaduna State? This study adopted a quantitative research methodology and a cross-sectional survey design was adopted. The population of this study was 44,976 comprising of Nigerian Army, Nigerian Police, Nigerian Civil Defense Corps (NCDC) and Kaduna State Vigilante (KADVIS). A purposive sampling technique was adopted and a self-designed questionnaire was subjected to face and content validity, and a reliability test result of 0.901 was obtained. The questionnaire was used to collect data using a sample size of 62 respondents. The data collected was described and analyzed using frequencies table, percentages, mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested using one-way ANOVA. The findings revealed that the common types of intelligence information gathering and sharing for security management in Kaduna State were information about criminal hideout and criminal modes of operation. Securities agencies in Kaduna State rely more on a non-kinetic approach to intelligence information gathering using rapport and. Inter-agency collaborations were also the most preferred way of intelligence sharing among security agencies in Kaduna state. The study concluded that the Nigerian state is currently bedeviled with an array of criminal activities which require comprehensive intelligence information sourcing and utilization. The absence of comprehensive studies on intelligence information gathering and sharing has made the fight against crime and criminality in Kaduna State almost unbeatable. The study therefore recommended that security agencies should collaborate with community leaders, elders, youth and other stakeholders for effective intelligence information gathering, they should also strengthen rapport with crime suspects and syndicates for effective intelligence gathering. Security agencies should also intensify efforts on daily intelligence gathering and sharing. </em></p> Hussaini Abdullahi, Aminu Shehu Liman Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Awareness and use of smart agriculture for improved productivity by smallholder farmers in Funtua Zone, Katsina State Nigeria <p><em>The study investigated awareness and use of smart agriculture for improved productivity by smallholder farmers in Funtua zone of Katsina state of Nigeria. The specific objectives are to determine the level of awareness of smart agriculture for improved productivity to smallholder farmers in Funtua Zone of Katsina State and to identify the types of smart agriculture that are being used by smallholder farmers for improved productivity in the study area. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised of all the registered smallholder farmers who belong to the farmers’ association at eleven (11) local government areas in Funtua Zone which is two-thousand and thirty-four (2034). A multi-stage cluster sampling technique was adopted for this study using a balloting method to select the local government areas. The questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection and the reliability result was .891. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics in the form of in the form of simple frequency tables, percentages means and standard deviation. The study revealed that smallholder farmers in the Funtua zone of Katsina State exhibit a low level of awareness of smart agriculture technologies. The findings indicated that family and friends, along with radio, were the primary sources of awareness of smart technologies and limited use of smart agriculture adoption among smallholder farmers in Funtua Zone, with low usage of most technologies like water-smart, energy-smart, and nutrient-smart systems. However, weather-smart technologies show somewhat higher adoption, though still below optimal levels indicating underutilization of crucial technologies that hinder agricultural improvement. The study concludes that smallholder farmers in the Funtua Zone have low awareness and use or adoption of smart agricultural technologies, relying mainly on informal sources like family, friends, and radio. While weather-smart technologies show higher adoption, other technologies face barriers such as access, and limited awareness. It was recommended that there is a need for the government to launch a comprehensive awareness campaign to highlight the benefits and practical applications of both water-smart and energy-smart technologies through local communication channels. </em></p> Musa Garba Abubakar , Lawal Iro Sani, Lawal Umar Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the use of library assistive technology for learning by visually impaired students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria <p><em>The study explored the use of library assistive technologies (LAT) for learning by visually impaired students at Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, five objectives were established, amongst which were; to investigate the experiences of visually impaired students of Ahmadu Bello University on the use of Library Assistive Technology and to determine how the Library Assistive Technologies meet the performance expectancy of Visually Impaired Students of Ahmadu Bello University. A qualitative research methodology and a phenomenology research design were used to have a thorough understanding of the subject. The population of the study was 27 visually impaired students and a sample of 9 undergraduate visually impaired students was drawn at the point of saturation. Data was collected using focus group discussions with the help of three research assistants. The rigour of the research process was assessed through credibility, transferability, confirmability and dependability. Data analysis followed a thematic approach to identify recurring themes in student experiences and expectations. From the analysis, it was revealed that most participants were aware of LAT available in KIL, although one participant was unaware of any assistive technologies being available. It was shown that while KIL offers various LAT options, student utilization remains low. The visually impaired students who utilized LAT in the library demonstrated significant academic improvement. While some of the students had positive experiences with some functional equipment, most of them reported negative experiences due to limited access, malfunctioning technology, and inadequate facilities. Lastly, the finding revealed that the Low LAT use was linked to the student’s expectations regarding the technology's performance in meeting their needs. Therefore, the study concluded that the negative experiences of visually impaired students with the LATs coupled with the technologies not meeting their expectations contribute to their low usage. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that library management should invest in acquiring sufficient and modern LATs compatible with student needs, to repair malfunctioning LATs and implement a robust maintenance strategy. The management should provide staff training and support by offering workshops and personalized assistance to train staff effectively so they can in turn train and assist students on the use of LATs. </em></p> Aishat Olajumoke Ibrahim, Romoke Opeyemi Quadir, Jibril Abdurrahman Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Acquisition and relevance of information resources for teaching and learning in government health institution libraries (GHIL) in Katsina State, Nigeria <p><em>This study investigated the acquisition and relevance of information resources for teaching and learning in Government Health Institution Libraries (GHILs) in Katsina State, Nigeria. Two research questions guided the study: What methods are used to acquire information resources for teaching and learning in GHILs in Katsina State? To what extent are the acquired information resources relevant to the needs of these libraries for teaching and learning? Employing a quantitative survey research design, the study targeted all 16 librarians in GHILs across Katsina State. Data were collected through questionnaires administered by the researcher and a research assistant and analyzed using descriptive statistics, including mean and standard deviation. The collected data were findings revealed that GHILs in Katsina State primarily acquire information resources through purchases, gifts, and donations, while alternative methods such as resource sharing, consortia, and database subscriptions remain underutilized, limiting the diversity and accessibility of resources. Thus, the acquired information resources often failed to meet the specific needs of library users, resulting in poor patronage and undermining the libraries’ ability to fulfill mission of supporting teaching, learning and research. To address these challenges, it is recommended that GHILs in Katsina State adopt alternative acquisition methods like resource sharing, consortia, and database subscriptions to broaden resource diversity and accessibility. Furthermore, regular needs assessments and active collaboration with stakeholders, including healthcare professionals and library users, should be conducted to ensure the acquisition strategies align with users' evolving information needs. </em></p> Abdullahi Jibril, Ashiru Hafizu Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring prior knowledge of young Goskolo -alcohol abusers on alcohol abuse in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria <p><em>Alcoholism with it associated consequences is a global challenge. Information and education are effective in preventing alcoholism. Understanding the prior knowledge of alcoholics is critical to designing impactful information programs for reducing binge drinking. This research report therefore explored the prior knowledge of binge drinkers in a binge drinking endemic region of the Jos area in Nigeria. The methodology adopted for the study was grounded theory using a case study approach. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection was done through semi-structured in-depth interviews with 23 participants from four major flash points for drug and alcohol consumption in Jos Plateau State, Nigeria. The study's significance lies in its potential to contribute to the understanding of alcohol abuse from a social epistemology and ontology perspective, highlighting the importance of considering the prior knowledge of alcohol abusers in designing effective intervention strategies. The study's findings could inform the development of targeted prevention and intervention programs tailored to the needs and experiences of young alcohol abusers in the Jos metropolis. The study recommended that the Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help abusers recognize inaccurate thinking patterns should be prioritized. Also, focuses on the dangers of supposed benefits associated with alcohol abuse (pain relief, warmth). </em></p> Julna Juliana Ndor, A. I. Musa Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring self-referencing patterns in inaugural lectures of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria: A 25-year informetrics analysis <p><em>The study investigated exploring self-referencing patterns in inaugural lectures of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria: A 25-year informetric analysis between 1994 and 2018. Using descriptive content analysis, 3713 references cited in 57 ILs were analysed. The findings revealed that an average of 62 document sources were used as references per IL. While self-referencing accounted for 35.5% of total references, with professors citing their work as sole authors (12.15%), lead authors (14.03%), or team authors (9.32%). A significant proportion (64.5%) of the cited references originated from external publications. Journals were the most preferred source of information, but patents were rarely mentioned. Our analysis reveals a steady increase in ILs since 2009 and a consistent change in authorship position, collaboration strategies, and document sources. This study recommended that ILs should serve as a reliable source of institutional databases, providing valuable insights into professors' research productivity. </em></p> Taiwo Aderonke Koleade, Samuel Olu Adeyoyin, Mariam Kehinde Alawiye, Sunday Oluwafemi Emmanuel Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Perception of lecturers on technology adoption for training of health information management students in institutions in Ondo State, Nigeria <p><em>With the increasing demand for technological proficiency among Health Information Management (HIM) graduates, there is a need for enhanced technological adoption in the training of HIM students to prepare them for the field. The study investigated lecturers’ perceptions on technology adoption in the training of HIM students in selected institutions in Ondo State. Quantitative data were collected from the study. The population comprised of 50 HIM lecturers at the selected training institutions. A structured questionnaire was administered through Google Forms, and the data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that the HIM lecturers adopt technology on an average level for the training of HIM Students. Most lecturers have a positive perception of technology usefulness, while perceived ease of use showed a positive and significant influence on the level of technology adoption. Additionally, regular use of technology in the preparation and delivery of course materials, and to communicate with students and other staff are effective strategies reported to enhance technology adoption and proficiency among the HIM lecturers. The study concluded that </em>there is a need to institute effective strategies and enhance the user-friendliness of digital tools to enhance technology adoption by lecturers for the training of HIM students. <em>The study recommends the development of policies and protocols aimed towards higher adoption of technology in HIM training to ultimately improve the technological proficiency of HIM graduates.</em></p> Abosede Mary Olaleye, Folasade Oguntoye, Biliamin O. Popoola, Oluwaseun Ajibare Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Utilisation of electronic theses and dissertations for research by postgraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria <p><em>The study investigated the Utilization of electronic theses and Dissertations for Research by postgraduate Students Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The specific objective was to identify the purpose of utilizing electronic theses </em>&amp; <em>dissertations by postgraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and it also investigated the extent of the utilization of electronic theses </em>&amp; <em>dissertations for research by postgraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, the study is quantitative and Cross-Sectional Survey research design method was be adopted for the study. Questionnaire on utilisation of electronic theses and Dissertations for Research by postgraduate Students Ahmadu Bello University Zaria (QUETDRO) with 0.912 reliability coefficient was the only instrument used for the study, targeted 320 respondents selected through stratified proportional random sampling technique from a population of 1,964 Postgraduate Students from three (3) Faculties of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. Data from the survey was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics of SPSS. Frequency distribution tables and percentages were used for the descriptive statistics. While Findings from the study revealed that the main purposes for utilizing ETDs by postgraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria include learning, examination preparation, seminar preparation theses or dissertation writing in that order. The study concludes that it is obvious that Ahmadu Bello University Zaria has enough ETDs in its repository and the resources are meant more for research and academic purposes and recommended that the use of ETDs has many purposes of which some postgraduate students are not aware, such as entertainment and for group discussions, therefore there should be adequate awareness on the several uses of ETDs for research purposes and the greatest challenge hindering ETDs utilization is Inadequate Internet search skills, Therefore all postgraduate should undergo compulsory course on how to use the various search engines to source for students information electronically. </em></p> Bashir Adamu CLN, Mohammed Sani Umar, Mohammed Musa Hayatu Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Adoption of telemedicine services by medical professionals in selected hospitals in Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria <p><em>This study was carried out to investigate the ‘Adoption of Telemedicine Services by Medical Professionals in Selected Hospitals in Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Three research questions were raised; What is the current level of awareness among Medical Professionals regarding Telemedicine in Zaria Metropolis Kaduna State Nigeria?, What are the level of ethical, legal and regulatory considerations associated with the use of Telemedicine in Zaria Metropolis Kaduna State Nigeria? and What are the key challenges and barriers to the use of Telemedicine in Zaria Metropolis Kaduna State Nigeria? The study used Quantitative Methodology and Cross-Sectional Survey Design to carry out the research among various Medical Professionals using a sampling frame obtained from a list of selected Hospitals located in and around Zaria Metropolis Kaduna State, Nigeria, from 2022-2023. Proportionate Stratified Sampling technique was used in this study. The study revealed that majority of Medical Professionals are fully aware of Telemedicine in Zaria Metropolis even though they do not utilize it on daily basis, also that majority of Medical Professionals in Zaria Metropolis seek informed consent of patients while utilizing Telemedicine and that Patient privacy and confidentiality is protected and that Limited access to technology and privacy and security concerns are the major challenges hindering the utilization of Telemedicine by Medical Professionals in Zaria Metropolis. The study concluded that Utilization of Telemedicine by Medical Professionals in Zaria Metropolis has a number of benefits, including increased access to Medical Care, improved quality of Medical Care, reduced costs, increased efficiency and effectiveness, improved patient satisfaction, and the potential to revolutionize the delivery of Medical Care in Zaria Metropolis even though there are some challenges that needed to be looked at. The following recommendations where made; that Efforts should be made to encourage the use of Telemedicine by Medical Professionals in Zaria Metropolis on daily basis due to the numerous benefits by creating more awareness, Medical Professionals in Zaria Metropolis should be encourage to work more on Professional Conduct, Malpractice insurance, Data Protection and Reimbursement to patients and Medical Care providers should give more access to technology and Privacy and security as well as encouraging the use of Telemedicine. </em></p> Suleiman Sambo, Mohammed Habibu, Babangida U. Dangani Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Information practices of commercial motorcycle riders (<i>okada</i>) in Samaru Community Sabon Gari Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria <p><em>This research explored the Information Practices of Commercial Motorcycle riders in Samaru Community, Sabon Gari Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. The objectives were; to identify the information needs of commercial motorcycle riders in Samaru community, to ascertain the purpose of the use of available information by commercial motorcycle riders in Samaru community. The study applied Savolainen’s (1995) everyday life information seeking ELIS theory as theoretical framework for the study. Qualitative research methodology and qualitative case study research design </em>was <em>adopted for the study. Semi-structured interview was used for data collection. 10 participants determined the sample size for this study, Purposive sampling technique was used in this study. The data for this study was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The findings revealed Health information need, security information need, and everyday life information need were the types of information need found most relevant by the participant of this study. The study concluded that security and health information used is part of the commercial motorcycle rider’s everyday life information use for the purposes of solving everyday life problems. Therefore, it was recommended that, The Kaduna State Government, health and security agencies to consider their information need very important, and to provide such kind of information available to them. </em></p> Mohammed Sani Umar, Bashir Adamu CLN, Mohammed Habibu Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Roles of librarians as research data managers in academic libraries <p><em>The study investigated the involvement of librarians in Research Data Management using a quantitative approach. The study examined the perception of librarians on their roles as Research Data Managers in academic libraries, the actual RDM roles performed by academic libraries and how academic libraries could promote research data management within higher education institutions in Nigeria. The study used the quantitative approach and adopted the descriptive survey research design. The population consisted of 87 librarians from six academic libraries in South West Nigeria. A complete enumeration sampling technique was adopted for the study. Six academic libraries were chosen based on specific criteria and interventions relevant to the study. The selected academic libraries were Nimbe Adedipe Library, FUNAAB, FUOYE University Library; Albert Ilemobade Library, FUTA; Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library, OAU, Kenneth Dike Library, UI, and UNILAG Library. 52 academic librarians participated in the study. Descriptive statistical analysis was used for data analysis. Findings revealed that academic librarians were familiar with the term "Research Data Management (RDM)" and its significance in academic libraries. The research findings reveal that the following activities are predominantly performed by the majority of respondents: assisting researchers with data management plans (DMPs) [42 (80.8%), 0.8077], collaborating with IT departments and other campus units [38 (73.1%), 0.7308] and providing data storage solutions and guidance [31 (59.6%), 0.5962]. Moreover, a significant portion of respondents affirm that integrating RDM services into the broader support framework of the academic library enhances the effectiveness of research data, with a mean (SD) value of 4.1154 (0.64637). The study indicates that there is a foundational understanding of Research Data Management (RDM) within Nigerian academic libraries, but significant gaps remain in terms of fully performing the specific roles and responsibilities of Research Data Managers (RDMs).</em></p> Olatokunbo Christopher Okiki, Adefunke Olanike Alabi Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Adoption of security system for library and information services provision by the staff of Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria <p><em>The study investigated the Adoption of Security System for Library and Information Services provision by the staff of Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria. In conducting the study three research questions were formulated, what types of security systems are used for library and information services provision by the staff of Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria. What are the needs for security systems for library and information services provision by the staff of Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria? The study's methodology was quantitative research methodology with a survey research design. The target population of the study comprises the staff of Federal Polytechnic Bida Niger State, Nigeria. The study's sample size was 52 employees, and the data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire. The findings revealed that security clearance procedure, 3m exit detection, and video recording surveillance were the main Types of security systems used for library and information services provision, revealed that protecting materials on exhibit and controlling entrances and exits were the needs for a security system for library and information services provision and revealed that, Lack of funding, mishandling behaviours of materials and inadequate staff/personnel were the main <strong>C</strong>hallenge staffs encountered for using security systems provision. The study concluded that library staff were not very aware of the different types of security systems available in libraries but, the library management needs to make a positive move toward improving security measures, as it is a known fact that libraries are not always safe and secure places, and they are facing a variety of social concerns. The study recommended that the management of should provide, ID cards and access authorization, electronic video Recording Surveillance, security guards employed to patrol, electronic eye detection, and signature of every user (Gate Registration among others The Management should enhance marks of ownership accessibility and use, inventory control and vigilance, guarding against mutilation and vandalism, protecting materials in book drops, among others, The Management of should provide more solutions on mutilation of books, book, vandalism of materials, stealing of personal belongings of staff and patrons. </em></p> Mohammed Lawal Aminu, Aliyu Abubakar, Jamila Yakubu Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Application of artificial intelligence (AI) for information services delivery: Exploring the readiness and challenges in some university libraries in Katsina State <p><em>In recent years Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly common in various sectors, including the libraries. It is widely accepted that AI is capable to revolutionize information service delivery; improve automation and digitization of library’s operations and subsequently improve working capabilities of library staff members in general. The major aim of this study is to explore the readiness and challenges of applying AI for information service delivery in some university libraries in Katsina state. These specific objectives were to evaluate the readiness of the libraries on the application of AI and finally to identify the challenges that libraries face towards the application of AI. The study employed quantitative and descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprises all the library staff members working in the three (3) university libraries in Katsina (i.e. UMYU, FUDMA &amp; AL-QALAM) and 165 library staff members were proportionately sampled. The study used descriptive and inferential statistics to analyse and present the data using SPSS. The findings of the study reveal that library staff members are open and ready to apply AI if well provided; however, certain factors identified need to be fulfilled to ensure seamless application, which, among others, include specific AI policy document, AI support infrastructure, equipping library staff with AI skills. Consequently, the findings identify certain challenges that hinder application of AI such as inadequate financial or budgetary provision, lack of AI support infrastructure, AI policy document, plagiarism and intellectual freedom theft, and fear of job loss or polarization. The study recommends that that government, university managements and library management should make available AI support infrastructure, telecommunications facilities to facilitate easy transition to AI in libraries. Additionally, TET Fund and NITDA should collaborate with NLA and local library branches to formulate a comprehensive policy document that would guide libraries and library staff towards responsible and ethical AI application into library operations and services. Libraries should seek increased support from government and funding agencies such as TETFund, UNESCO and IFLA to invest considerably in the provision of adequate budgetary provision, provision of AI support infrastructure and telecommunication facilities necessary for successful AI integration in the libraries. </em></p> A. S. Safana, S. A. Fari Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Information literacy skills as determinant of use of reference materials among undergraduates in university libraries in Kwara State <p><em>The study investigated information literacy skills as determinants of use of reference materials among undergraduate students in university libraries in Kwara State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was employed, and a questionnaire was administered to 398 respondents from three universities: University of Ilorin, Kwara State University, and Al-Hikmah University. The findings revealed that students possess basic information literacy skills, except for research strategies, citation, and referencing, and ethical use of information. The study also showed that dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, and yearbooks are the most commonly used reference materials, primarily for assignment preparation and research. The results indicate that information literacy skills is one of the factors that affect the use of reference materials. The study recommends that library management offer workshops to enhance students' skills in research strategies, citation, and referencing, and encourage exploration of a wider range of reference materials. </em></p> Nafisa Rabiu, Jamiu Omotosho Yunus Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Challenges of accessing and utilising health information for information needs satisfaction of female undergraduate students in colleges of medicine <p><em>The study examined the challenges of accessing and utilizing health information for the information needs satisfaction of female undergraduate students in colleges of medicine. The study was guided by three research questions and one null hypothesis. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The population of the study was 1,339 registered female undergraduate students of colleges of medicine. The sample size of the study was 549 female undergraduates’ students representing 41% of the population. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. Data gathered were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found out that, female undergraduate students understand that accessing and utilizing health information for meeting their information needs satisfaction has lots of benefits. However, challenges experienced in accessing and utilizing health information are: health information not packaged in an appealing/attracting format, lack of health counselors for students, negative attitudes of library staff members are a major problem and cultural or religious constraints, physical accessibility to the library building is a concern, lack of organize seminars/workshops on reproductive health, and epileptic power supply to access electronic health information, lack of ICT facilities to access health information, lack of current and up-to-date health information in the library. Some of the solutions to the problems include: the managements of the colleges of medicine should allocate more fund to the colleges of medicine library to acquire more health information resources for the female undergraduate students so that they can access and utilize them to meet their health information needs.</em></p> Olayinka Mary Adekoya, Singya Zhimwang Zwalman, Maimunat Omokide Jimoh, Sunday Olabisi Olatunji, James Ogielagbega Enamudu Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000