This study evaluates the availability of electronic resources for service provision in university libraries in Ogun State Nigeria and how they affect the effective provision of electronic information resources in selected University libraries South West Nigeria. The research design used for the study was the survey (descriptive) research design; the stratified random sampling was used to collect data from the study population which was a total of one thousand and thirty-eight (1038) academic staff and librarians from Federal University of Agriculture, Covenant, and Babcock universities. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaire and structured interview; the retrieved data was also analyzed through the use of frequency distribution and correlation analysis. Findings revealed that the university libraries have electronic databases; however, the most common of the databases was AGORA while IEE was the least common. The study also revealed that majority of the University libraries have adequate basic infrastructure for effective electronic information services. The major challenge involved in the provision of electronic resources among the university libraries was electricity power outage; Findings further showed that there was no significant relationship between the availability of databases and effective electronic resources provision (r = .071, N= 414, P > .05) and also it revealed that there is a significant relationship between the availability of basic infrastructures and effective electronic resources provision (r = .523**, N= 414, P < .01). The study recommended that the provision of basic infrastructure that support the effective use of electronic resources should therefore be made readily available, this will help to ensure that the electronic resources acquired by the library are put into maximal use by the library clientele, thereby ensuring the achievement of the library’s objective which is satisfying the users, information needs.