The study examined the capacity building efforts and training needs of Nigerian cataloguers. One hundred and thirty two respondents comprising cataloguers from various libraries in Nigeria were used for the study. A descriptive survey method using a self-constructed questionnaire was used. Four research questions were posed and analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. Most of the cataloguers in the study have left library schools for over eight years and this makes retraining highly imperative. Results showed that the cataloguers were depending more on onthe job training for capacity building and retraining. The study also revealed that the cataloguers did not depend on only cataloguing education received in library school. There was less dependence on some other means of capacity building like video conferencing, reading web based resources, electronic discussion list/weblog and mentoring. It was discovered that most of the cataloguers studied are becoming interested and willing to be involved in activities formerly the domain of systems librarian e.g. metadata creation, organization of web/digital resources. Interestingly, even cataloguers from purely traditional libraries desired training in recent ICT cataloguing feats. Some challenges identified facing cataloguers in the area of training and capacity building include the fact that conference/ workshop attendance is not affordable, insufficient cataloguing training outlets in Nigeria, inadequate ICT platform to practice what has been learnt as most libraries in Nigeria are not automated and a dearth of current cataloguing literatures. The study concluded that the cataloguers’ sampled need to take urgent steps to train and retrain regularly since knowledge is dynamic in nature.