The study was a survey of records management practices in circular primary schools of metropolitan local government area of Kano state. There was a total of 8 local government areas in the metropolitan with a population of 233 circular schools. Out of the number, 104 were randomly selected for the study. A minimum of 10 copies of questionnaire were administered on each local government area. Out of the number retrieved, 75 copies were found usable. The study reveals that all the schools studied generate and receive different kinds of records which includes administrative, financial, academic etc.; over 70% of the schools either organize their records serially or by subject matter; majority (56.5%) of the schools use storage facilities such drawers, cabinets and cupboards to preserve their records; some records such as log book, financial records, admission register, store ledger, counterfoil of certificates, teachers’ personal files etc were kept on closed access by the head teachers; most of the head teachers (74.7%) use their discretion to appraise records for retention and disposition; it was also discovered that among those who dispose of their unwanted records, 81.5% use burning method; problems such as shortage of storage facilities, absence of computers, insufficient space and absence of records management policy were discovered to militate against effective records management in the schools studied. Based on the findings, recommendations were suggested.