The study investigated budgeting strategies in selected Federal Polytechnic Libraries in Nigeria. Four research questions were raised and answered. The objectives of the research was to determine sources of funds for Federal Polytechnic Libraries in Nigeria, adequacy of budgeting allocation, types of budgeting system that are used, and to discover the level of polytechnic librarian involvement in the planning and budgeting for their libraries. A survey research method was adopted for this study and stratified random sampling technique was used to draw samples for the study. Questionnaire was developed and used to collect data from the samples. Data collected from the respondents was analysed using frequency distributions and percentages. The study discovered that the main sources of funds for polytechnic libraries in Nigeria were library grants and Education Trust Fund which recorded responses of (87.5%) and (22.5%) respectively. It was also identified that budget preparation and implementation were undertaken quarterly and executed by the library committees in all the sampled polytechnic libraries as recorded by (87.5%) and (63.4%) respectively. It established that the funds allocated to the colleges were inadequate as shown in the responses of (100%) of the respondents. The study concluded that there are not many researches in areas of budget strategies and implementation; whereas these are important areas in library financial management.