The paper assesses the use and acquisition of books of Sumeon Adebo Public Library, Abeokuta using records of acquisitions and library use kept by this library between 2004 – 2008. The study was carried out to assess how the library as faired following some recent effort by the Ogun State Government to renovate and equipped the library in year 2003. The data were collected and analysed using tables, charts, percentages and graphs. Findings revealed among other things that most of the books acquired (98.8%) came in as gift and only 2.2% was actually purchased. Subject analysis of books consulted and borrowed showed that books in class 500 (pure sciences) were most consulted and borrowed by the library users. Also more male patronized the library in both the junior and adult sections and level of use by children is low. Some of the recommendations made include beefing up of the library stock, stepping up of reading awareness campaign to increase level of patronage by Ogun State tax payers.